H - (Doors: H)

The scrubby jack-of-all-trades from La Chaux-de-Fonds tinkers with folk melodies on patched-up old instruments and delivers them with moving sincerity.
Think of Louis Jucker as a slightly unhinged jack-of-all-trades who likes to lock himself up in Scandinavian huts and alpine chalets to cuddle up with his old instruments and extract fragile and cracked melodies from them, a reflection of his childlike and effervescent soul. The brains behind the brilliant rock outfit Coilguns, which discharges its ardour in a register that is certainly more decibelous, the Swiss artist shows an uncanny ability to tame a certain savagery, which then purrs under his nimble fingers in touching lo-fi melodies. With his band, he tinkers with some resolutely authentic folk that thrives on experimentation, raw emotions and accidents, as evidenced by his recent Something Went Wrong (2020). In Jucker’s lair, the fire crackles and casts disturbing shadows on the walls as his beautiful, wounded melodies spin and his high-pitched whispers resonate, while the ghosts of Devendra Banhart and Herman Dune lurk nearby…
En coproduction avec le Théâtre Am Stram Gram
Théâtre Am Stram Gram, Geneva
Its rows bring together adults and children in a joyful intergenerational melting pot of people looking to dream, marvel, escape and reflect on contemporary issues. Opened in 1992 under the impetus of Dominique Catton and Nathalie Nath, the Am Stram Gram theatre has become an international reference for the quality of the shows it creates and hosts every year. Directed by playwright Fabrice Melquiot since 2012, it continues its quest for originality and high standards. The programme is curated by a collective of children aged 12 to 15 and adults, members of the permanent team.