Dream City
H - (Doors: H)
H - (Doors: H)
H - (Doors: H)

Dream City brings together professional dancers from the CocoonDance Company, a DJ, children, teenagers, young break-dancers, tracers and all kinds of people with unusual backgrounds whose motivation is to share an artistic process around dance.
Together, without hierarchy, the motley troupe creates a universe that features multiple original aesthetics, revealing with all its power a political dimension that belies disillusionment and the prevailing gloom. Through this sharing of “knowledge” and “non-knowledge”, a joyful community emerges, constantly experimenting with new links and aesthetic languages that force the audience to open up their senses, and reminds us, if need be, of this indispensable need for otherness, for greater richness, new experiences and respectful and creative societies.
En coproduction avec le Service de la culture et de la communication de la Ville de Vernier
Chorégraphie et mise en scène : Rafaële Giovanola
Dramaturgie : Rainald Endrass
Composition et Live Djing : Franco Mento
Lumières : Patrick Jacquérioz
Costumes : Mathilde Grebot
Assistant à la chorégraphie : Léonardo Rodrigues
Médiation et accompagnement : Mélisende Navarre
Coproduction: Théâtre du Crochetan, OH! Festival, Ringlokshuppen Rhur Mülheim, Théater im Ballsaal. Soutien : Théâtre-Pro Valais, Loterie Romande, Conseil de la Culture Etat du Valais, Kunststifung NRW, Ministère pour la culture et la science de Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie, Ville de Bonn.
La Cie CocoonDance est en résidence triennale au Théâtre du Crochetan.
Salle des fêtes du Lignon, Vernier
Bold and generous, Le Lignon is comfortable with superlatives. A true architectural feat achieved in the 1960s, this innovative district, clearly inspired by Le Corbusier, combines top-notch construction quality (exceptional resources were used at the time) with respect for the residents. Le Lignon’s metallic high-rise is the longest residential building in Europe… and yet it offers an unobstructed view of nature and the horizon. In spite of this gigantic size, a harmonious and multicultural neighbourhood life has taken root here. At its heart is the Salle du Lignon, a vast space of light and wood, which has already charmed many music and dance lovers.