Livestream freestyle session

The biggest livestream freestyle session in Western Switzerland from CFPNE in Lullier.
No one has ever dared to do it, so we thought we’d take the plunge: to bring together the best Swiss-French rappers of the moment on the green floors of CFP (Nature and Environment Vocational Training Centre). Back to the roots of rap with the top 7: Di-Meh (Geneva), VVSPanther (Lausanne), 777Christos (Fribourg), Jeune Hustler (Sion), Badnaiy (Lausanne), Kenzy (Geneva), Dyno274 (Yverdon) – winner of the Tremplin Transforme Rap Factory 2020 – and their guests for the hottest cypher in history. The best of Switzerland!
Transforme is THE summer hip-hop festival in Geneva! The project’s objective is to enhance learning paths through culture. In collaboration with trainees, Transforme celebrates street culture in all its diversity. Before the next event which will take place this summer, we’ll give you a taster this winter thanks to Antigel and CFPne. Transforme is supported by the State of Geneva and Loterie Romande.
Saturday 30th January
From CFPNE (Nature and Environment Vocational Training Centre ), Lullier
Coproduction Transforme x Antigel, in partnership with the Nature & Environment Vocational Training Centre (CFPNE)