Stephan Eicher is looking forward to seeing you from 12 to 14 February for three exceptional, intimate and unusual concerts – three days of joyful reunion between the artist and his audience in the middle of Geneva’s terrible winter!
1st day. In a palace Eicher offers a series of solo performances for small groups.
A concert for a couple recently in love.
A concert for a couple on the threshold of separation.
A concert for 12 single people.
2nd day. The singer and his musicians set up in the Cafeteria of a large international centre in front of 50 people.
3rd day. The adventure ends in the Victoria Hall, in the Victoria Room to be precise, with a stage set up in the middle of the floor, in place of the seats, surrounded by an audience limited to 50 people.
For three days Eicher invites the audience to follow him, guided and inspired by two poems by Goethe.
Meeres Stille :
Tiefe Stille herrscht im Wasser,
Ohne Regung ruht das Meer,
Und bekümmert sieht der Schiffer
Glatte Fläche ringsumher.
Keine Luft von keiner Seite!
Todesstille fürchterlich!
In der ungeheuern Weite
Reget keine Welle sich.
Glückliche Fahrt:
Die Nebel zerreißen,
Der Himmel ist helle,
Und Äolus löset
Das ängstliche Band.
Es säuseln die Winde,
Es rührt sich der Schiffer.
Geschwinde! Geschwinde!
Es teilt sich die Welle,
Es naht sich die Ferne;
Schon seh ich das Land!